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Onsite Dialysis Contact Info

If you’ve received approval from Dialyze Direct for on-site dialysis at a skilled nursing facility, please complete the form to provide us with important contact information. Experience dialysis treatments without leaving the facility.

    Benefits of Onsite Dialysis

    Convenience: Say goodbye to inconvenient dialysis treatment schedules and the need to leave the facility.
    Safety: Decreased exposure to contagious illnesses, including COVID-19.
    Familiarity: More personalized treatment by familiar dialysis staff directly coordinating your care with the skilled nursing facility rehabilitation staff.
    No Wasted Time: No waiting for transportation to/from an outside clinic.
    Don’t miss out: No missed meals, appointments, or visits.
    More Leisure Time: More time for Bingo and activities!
    Comfort: Recover in the privacy of your own room after treatment.
    Get Home Faster: More time for therapy often leads to earlier discharge.